Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Age of Conan vs. World of Warcrack

Age of Conan vs. World of Warcrack

I mean, Warcraft. First off, Age of Conan takes itself way too seriously. Sure, you get to chop off heads and taunt your victims while headbutting them in the face as they splash you with their blood. You also get to see boobies and cavort with whores and thieves. Yet, after a few levels of broken quests and memory leaks which crash you to desktop, the cool stuff is drastically overshadowed. I would argue even the graphics try to be too good, constantly bogging down a decent system. A lot o

Neverwinter Nights Collectors Edition Unopened

I have an extra one still wrapped in mint condition from when I worked at Bioware. Im selling on EBAY. Here is the Link. The Neverwinter Nights Collectors Edition will feature all of the groundbreaking game play found in the original, including an extensive 60+ hour official campaign, which is also playable in multiplayer mode; the amazing Neverwinter Nights Toolset which lets players create their own adventures, and the Dungeon Master client that allows players to step into the shoes of t

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